According to the World Health Organization, over a million people lose their lives as a result of car accidents every year, averaging approximately 3500 deaths every day. For those who survive a car accident, the road to recovery is not just traumatic but also very tough, depending on the severity of the accident. One popular recovery method is car accident physiotherapy, which is an integral part of the healing process. It can help to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and restore strength and balance.

In this article, we will discuss the types of injuries sustained during car accidents and the role of physiotherapy in treating the injuries.  

Injuries Sustained During Car Collisions 

Some of the most common injuries sustained during car collisions are- 

  • Spinal Injury- 

When two cars collide, the abrupt jolt experienced by our body might cause one or more vertebrae to shift, injuring the spine. This is called a herniated disc, and it can cause debilitating pain, making it extremely difficult to walk, sit, and even lie down comfortably. With physiotherapy, the misalignment of the spine can be corrected.   

  • Whiplash- 

Whiplash is a prevalent injury sustained when your car is rear-ended. It refers to the stress your head, neck, and spine suffer when your head is jerked or shaken violently. To treat this injury, the patient would have to visit a physiotherapist and a massage therapist Camrose, to promote tissue healing and motion and alleviate the stress. 

  • Knee Trauma- 

A direct collision with the dashboard or the seat in front of you can tear the ligament of your knee, and in some extreme cases, a fracture preventing movement to the knee makes it hard for the person to bend their knees, limiting their motion. Therefore, once the knee has healed from the trauma, the patient must undergo rigorous physiotherapy by looking for an osteopath near me on Google.

How Does Physiotherapy Alleviate Pain Caused By Car Accidents? 

Under the guidance of an experienced physiotherapist, a person who was injured in a car accident can recover from the trauma sustained during the collision, relieve the pain, and gain normal body function. Frequent massages from a Camrose Sports Injury Clinic can also make the body less stiff post-surgery and during recovery by improving the blood flow. 

Car Accident Physiotherapy Treatment Plan 

A car accident treatment plan at physiotherapy clinics will involve the following things- 

  • For whiplash, physiotherapists recommend applying heat and an ice pack to the damaged area. This is followed by gentle active movement and physical exercises to help the neck regain its normal range of motion. 
  • Patients are educated on maintaining good body posture to manage pain, along with advice on preventing further injury to the stressed body part and managing pain. 
  • Patients are recommended massage therapy, chiropractic care, osteopathic care, and acupuncture as alternative pain relief methods. 
  • Patients will undergo manual therapy as their body starts to heal before they can exercise to avoid stiffness, swelling, and pain. Afterward, they are assigned exercises to improve their range of motion, make them flexible again, and strengthen their muscles. 


Not seeking immediate medical assistance after sustaining a traumatic injury during a car accident, even though there is no physical sign of distress, is not wise. With physiotherapy, you can accelerate the process of recovery by reducing stress, stiffness, and swelling in the traumatized area and improving mobility and flexibility. If you’re looking for a reliable clinic offering Massage Therapy Near Me, contact Central Physiotherapy & Massage.

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